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Iyengar Pratica Scienza

09 Aprile 2023

Spring Blooming - part 5

Chiara M. Travisi - illustrated by Svenja Karstens

In Part 5 of the Spring blooming sequence, I am combining seated asanas with a supported back extension using a chair. In particular, the dorsal spine is hooked to the seat of the chair to create a nice support on which to rest the heart region as it opens and widens. The cervical spine too is maintained in an extended position to facilitate the anterior dorsal spine extension, and is well supported to avoid any compression in the neck. The sequence includes: upavistha konasana, parsva upavistha konasana (and a variation with one leg in marichyasana), marichyasana, janu sirsasana and trianga mukhaikapada paschimottanasana.


The variation of upavistha konasana with chair and bolster allows to hang the heart down, while the following parsvottanasana, upavistha konasana and parsva upavistha konasana with the rolled mat stimulate the back chest while releasing and elongating the posterior dorsal and cervical spine. Therefore, after a long series of extended asanas focused on chest opening, this part quietens the nervous system preparing to the following passive and pranayama practice.


Iyengar News Pratica Scienza Yoga Studies

07 Dicembre 2023

Il Prisma dello Yoga

Lasciamo che ‘yoga’ faccia quello che può e deve fare, ovvero darci la capacità discriminativa e prismatica di riconcettualizzare il nostro sguardo sul mondo, facendoci unire ciò che potrebbe apparirci separato, sviluppando una attitudine inclusiva, unificante e tollerante e fondata sui suoi principi etici in ogni contesto. E se #yoga è utopia, l’utopia di un percorso individuale per creare una comunità fondata sulla giustizia, a me sta bene così e, almeno, lasciamoci ispirare!

Iyengar Pratica Scienza

17 Settembre 2023

Summer Extend&Compact - part 8

Learn more on the last part of the Summer practice.

Iyengar Pratica

29 Agosto 2023

Summer Extend&Compact - part 7

Learn more on the extend&compact summer sequence Part 7