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Iyengar Pratica Scienza

13 Aprile 2023

Spring Blooming - part 6

Chiara M. Travisi - illustrated by Svenja Karstens


Finally, this last part of the sequence goes in the direction of quieting the nervous system in preparation of a pranayama practice. As said in the introduction to this sequence (and in the introduction to the Seasonality project), our psychological attitude, that is our nervous system condition, is expected to influence the way our body adapt and react to environmental and social stressors, which on their turn can induce us to over react creating a long-lasting or even chronic stressful response detrimental for our health and cardiovascular health in particular (high blood pressure, arrythmia, coronary diseases are some of the possible negative side effects of chronic stress).

In particular, the modulation of our Autonomic Nervous Systems (ANS) seems to be implicated in the way we are able to maintain our homeostatic physiological condition and bounce back to it after a perturbation or stressful experience. Passive supine asanas and pranayama practices can be of particular help in creating a balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems.

In this last part, the pranayama practice is preceded by two sarvangasana variations which stimulate the ocular-vagal reflex and lower the hearth rate. I propose in particular an ujjayipranayama with supported chest (either sitting down or on a chair). According to a recent study (see Mahour and Verma 2027). Ujjayi Pranayama can significantly decreases the stress induced changes in cardiovascular parameters because this leads to cardiovascular autonomic balance toward parasympathetic side and cortico-hypothalamo-medullary inhibition.


Iyengar News Pratica Scienza Yoga Studies

07 Dicembre 2023

Il Prisma dello Yoga

Lasciamo che ‘yoga’ faccia quello che può e deve fare, ovvero darci la capacità discriminativa e prismatica di riconcettualizzare il nostro sguardo sul mondo, facendoci unire ciò che potrebbe apparirci separato, sviluppando una attitudine inclusiva, unificante e tollerante e fondata sui suoi principi etici in ogni contesto. E se #yoga è utopia, l’utopia di un percorso individuale per creare una comunità fondata sulla giustizia, a me sta bene così e, almeno, lasciamoci ispirare!

Iyengar Pratica Scienza

17 Settembre 2023

Summer Extend&Compact - part 8

Learn more on the last part of the Summer practice.

Iyengar Pratica

29 Agosto 2023

Summer Extend&Compact - part 7

Learn more on the extend&compact summer sequence Part 7