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Sign up for our yoga classes

Come meet us and discover quality Yoga in Milan.

Learn how Iyengar® Yoga transforms the mind through the body. 

Practice with us, at your own level, and train your health and balance.

Book a free trial class.

Fill out the form, we will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange preferred times and locations.


Quality Yoga in Milan


At our center, you will find only professional teachers who are certified, with extensive experience and ongoing internationally recognized training. In Italy, our association has also advocated for the UNI 11661 Standard for the professional figure of yoga teacher, which has been in effect since December 2016.


The well-being of our students is our priority. Iyengar® yoga is gradual and safe, allowing you to achieve results you never thought possible, thanks to a method tailored to each individual student.


Iyengar® Yoga is a practice that promotes health for the body and mind. Your teacher will help you practice according to your needs, allowing you to find stability, strength, serenity, and balance. The practice will be beneficial for your sports performance, work, study, and daily challenges.