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Dec. 31, 2023

Iyengar Yoga Retreat - India 2024

Iyengar Yoga Institute Milan is pleased to present to you the one-week residential seminar in the homelands of yoga practice, India!


The seminar will be held from 31 December 2023 to 7 January 2024 and will be conducted by @chiaratravisi, Iyengar® Level 3 certified teacher and Mentor.

We will be welcomed by Nalanda Retreat Yoga Holiday Resort,, a place of nature and peace overlooking the beach of Mandrem.


The seminar is designed to allow participants to have an intensive experience of practicing Iyengar® yoga, while also having free time to enjoy the beauty of the place. The daily practice of Iyengar Yoga includes a pranayama session before breakfast and an asana session before lunch. Afterwards, free time to devote to leisurely walks on the beach, rest and reading, Ayurvedic wellness treatments. During the week it will also be possible to organize a visit to the colorful and fun local markets, such as the famous Anjuna night market.


Participants will be able to book the preferred type of accommodation at the Nalanda Resort (according to the price list) which offers a half board service (accommodation, breakfast and dinner).


Iyengar Yoga students of all levels are welcome as well as non-practicing Iyengar yoga students with an established personal yoga practice. Any companions and family members are also welcome, including children.

Info:; whastapp 375 572 0790.