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Diego Maraston

Caparbio, scrupoloso, cordiale

Born in Istria, after earning a degree in economics and commerce, Diego moved to Milan for work. His genuine curiosity led him to discover Iyengar yoga, and thanks to the team of teachers at the Iyengar Yoga Institute Milano, he became so passionate that he can confidently say it has changed his life. Diego practices daily and attends seminars with both Italian and International Senior teachers. In 2019 completed the Iyengar teacher training course under the guidance of Gabriella Giubilaro in Florence.

Teacher Calendar

Iyengar Yoga Milano 2024 - 2025

  • MON.
  • TUE.
  • WED.
  • THUR.
  • FRI.
  • SAT.
  • 09:00 -
  • Diego M.
  • 11:00 -
  • Diego M.
  • Diego M.

    Course available in streaming    Availability in attendance completed