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Simona Bubola

Entusiasta, perseverante, sperimentalista.

Simona discovered IYENGAR Yoga in 2004 during a stay in India and immediately got into it. Upon returning to Germany, where she was living and working as a dancer and contemporary dance teacher at the time, she started attending a course in this method, practicing on her own, and participating in numerous seminars with internationally renowned teachers. Upon returning to her hometown of Milan in 2011, she enrolled in the training course led by Maria Paola Grilli in Turin and obtained the Introductory II diploma in October 2014.

Teacher Calendar

Iyengar Yoga Milano 2024 - 2025

  • MON.
  • TUE.
  • WED.
  • THUR.
  • FRI.
  • SAT.
  • 18:30 -
  • Simona B.
  • Simona B.
  • 20:00 -
  • Simona B.

    Course available in streaming    Availability in attendance completed