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Nicol Koronel

Introspettiva, accogliente, comunicativa

After a classical education, while studying clinical psychology, an encounter with Yoga reveals the body as a possible new tool for investigation and research. So the journey begins. In 2007 she began teaching Hatha Yoga, until, in 2013, pregnancy prompted her to search for a new way to practice. Thus she met Chiara Travisi, her teacher of reference, and Iyengar® Yoga.
Since then she has been constantly attending in-depth workshops, studying and practicing at the Institute.
She completed the Iyengar® teacher training course under Emilia Pagani in Ravenna.
Interested in everything to do with the physiology and psychology of the living and the way words construct the body, she follows with great interest the studies of Professor Federico Squarcini (Cà Foscari University of Venice).
Trainee in transcultural clinic at San Carlo Hospital in Milan.

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Teacher Calendar

Iyengar Yoga Milano 2024 - 2025

  • MON.
  • TUE.
  • WED.
  • THUR.
  • FRI.
  • SAT.
  • 09:00 -
  • Nicol K.
  • 18:15 -
  • Nicol K.
  • 19:30 -
  • Nicol K.

    Course available in streaming    Availability in attendance completed